
Find credentials all over the place

docker run --platform linux/arm64 -it -v "$PWD:/pwd" trufflesecurity/trufflehog:latest github --repo [URL_OF_REPO] --token=[GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN]

Git Case Sensitivity

If you are facing issues with case sensitivity in git, you can disable it by running the following command.

This will make git case sensitive. Note that MacOS is case insensitive by default.

So, if you are using MacOS, you should run the following command to make git case sensitive.

git config --global core.ignorecase false

Git Reset

Add the following function to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc to reset the git commit.

git_reset() {
    read 'commit_val?Enter the value for the number of commit which you want to reset >'

    if [[ -n $commit_val ]]; then
        git reset --hard HEAD~$commit_val
        git push --force

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