Enable sudo without password in Ubuntu/Debian

You probably know that in Ubuntu/Debian, you should not run as the root user, but

should use the sudo command instead to run commands that require root

privileges. However, it can also be inconvenient to have to enter your password

every time that you use sudo. Here’s a quick fix that removes the requirement to

enter you password for sudo.


  1. Open the /etc/sudoers file (as root, of course!) by running:

    sudo visudo

    You should never edit /etc/sudoers with a regular text editor, such as Vim or nano,

    because they do not validate the syntax like the visudo editor.

  2. At the end of the /etc/sudoers file add this line:

    username     ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL

    Replace username with your account username, of course. Save the file and

    exit with <ESC>wq. If you have any sort of syntax problem, visudo will

    warn you and you can abort the change or open the file for editing again.

It is important to add this line at the end of the file,

so that the other permissions do not override this directive, since they are processed in order.

  1. Finally, open a new terminal window and run a command that requires root privileges,

    such as sudo apt update. You should not be prompted for your password!

That’s it! Enjoy your new freedom! 🙂

Add user to sudoer

sudo usermod -aG sudo [username]

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