Connect GCP With Personal SSH Key

Connecting to an Instance via CLI You can connect to the instance via CLI in two ways - through gcloud commands or through SSH commands. Here we will primarily discuss SSH.

Using Existing Public/Private Keys

Usually, public and private keys are stored in the ~/.ssh directory. The files will appear in pairs with names and my-ssh-key, where my-ssh-key could be any filename. >

Note: In practice, my-ssh-key is by default named id_rsa and the server reads id_rsa as the key. If you want to use another key file, remember to use the -i flag.

If you have existing public and private keys in your files, you can directly obtain the public key through


and store this public key in the Metadata SSH keys. You can then connect by using the following command

ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]

This will establish the connection.

Generating New Public/Private Keys

You can generate a new pair of public/private keys using the following command:

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key -C [USERNAME]

Input a passphrase to protect this pair of keys. You can restrict access to the key pair to yourself:

chmod 400 ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key

Next, obtain your public key through

cat ~/.ssh/

Add this key to the Metadata SSH keys and connect via

ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]

SSH Command

When we use the SSH command, we connect via

ssh -i ~/.ssh/my-ssh-key [USERNAME]@[IP_ADDRESS]


Note1: The username is the username of your Gmail account (

Note2: You can find the ip_address in the instance details.

Checking Whether Your Key is Stored on Google Cloud

If you go to 'Metadata' in the menu now,

and click on the SSH keys, ideally you should see the following interface

This means that Google Compute Engine has stored your key. If you hadn't created any instances in this project and made a connection, essentially there would be no key stored. You can check the file content in the ~/.ssh directory, and you should see and google_compute_engine files. These two files represent the public key (pub) and private key generated by Google Cloud for you. The one stored on Google Cloud is the public key ( You can check the content of your public key by typing in the terminal


The content should be consistent with that stored in the SSH keys section in the Metadata.

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